I have to say that I never seen this many dead porcupines before. I think I have seen 50 today at least
, which makes me wonder how many live ones there must be in NS.
So going back a couple days, I did spend a day in Charlottetown where I walked around, saw a parade, ate a yummy breakfast, caught a little of the blues n jazz festival and went on a ghastly tour of downtown. It was quite entertaining. The guide was dressed in period costume and knew his history really well.
Yesterday I woke up early and peddled 62 km to the ferry where I just made it in time. Another minute and the ferry would have left without me. Once I got to NS the sun came out and it really got hot in a hurry. 20 km down the road I hid out at a restaurant/information centre. It was another 65 km to Truro with nothing really in between except what they called a mountain. Dreading leaving I decided to do it and left at 4 pm. I actually did really good time and arrived in Truro at 7:15 where I promptly found a pub n some grub and a beer. I also met a really nice fellow named Ashley and his fiancee also named Ashley.
At 2 ish I found a park and had a sleep till 5 ish. Where I got up and started the last stretch to Halifax of 100km.
Oh I saw a really cool highway it was red. I have never seen red pavement before. I also saw 3 black hens wandering around Bible Hill first time for that too. Another first was in Cornwall PEI where I saw a tractor in a drive-thru.
And today I was at the half way point between the north pole and the equator.
Location : 4-8 Beech St, Elmsdale, NS B2S 1H2,
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