Leaving Halifax was pretty easy, I hopped a ferry to Dartmouth and then followed the highway. The new stretch was pretty flat and had decent shoulders for NS. But the old highway was hilly which would have been okay but it was very hot n humid even for NS they tell me.
I spent the night in this quaint little town called Sheet Harbour. It's a gem of a small town and the people are extremely nice n fantastic.
I went out for a drink at the only restaurant open n met a couple of guys there. In fact the only other customers. They had been their since 11 am and had been drinking. They both grew up there and had moved to Vancouver and sine they were both back in town so were catching up. The one fellow was Jody and the other Hillary and both were extremely gay.
The following day I peddled to Sherbrooke it's also a small town. On the way there a couple at a corner store told me of the living museum. I had planned on biking another 20 km past Sherbrooke but thought it might be nice to check out the museum. What is cool about the museum is they literally cut the town in half and then made half the museum. What is also interesting is that it's a producing museum which means that the people that spend their day reliving the olden days also create products for the museum,, the gift store, town and on request. The build boats, furniture from would the blacksmith still builds hinges, hooks etc as needed. And the best part to me is the photography place that captures your photo on glass. So cool. It's the only place in Canada that does it. I think possible in North America. I was there too late to get a photo that day so I waited till the next day and got a coil photo taken. I alas had to bike in the heat of the day but I trekked on to Antigonish.
Location : 12-14 Bannerman Rd, St John's, NL A1C,
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