Usually when you are planning a trip the biggest headache is booking accommodation because everyone else is going to your oasis at the same time as you. This trip has had a couple different twists. First I have booked a car for 3 weeks for the total cost of $36, yes $36. I don't believe it and neither can anyone else. We shall see if it's a rainbow or reality next week when I pick up the car.
The second and by far biggest twist is that after planning this trip since last August my daughter who had planned on going with me has changed her mind. Not once but twice in the last 6 weeks before departing she has said no. The last time was a week before the flight. It took a lot of effort but WestJet did allow me to change the name on the ticket. The unfortunate part was that I learned of it Friday morning 16 hours before the flight. Not realistic at that point to find anyone able and then coordinate a major 3 week trip at that point.
It's now 0820 and I am sitting alone in the Toronto airport waiting for my 2nd leg of the journey today to St.John's Newfoundland.
May the adventure continue!
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