Monday, August 1, 2011

Wind ward

I left Sorrento very late in the day, it was after 3 before I finally departed.  The weekend was fantastic and it was hard to leave this special place. It was hard saying goodbye to everyone but I am hopeful I may see a few again in Vancouver if I am lucky.

My legs were well rested which was very good because as soon as I left the wee hamlet the wind started to blast me and it rarely relented. It was only 80 or so km to Kamloops but I didn't arrive till after 9.  There some smaller hills that need to be climbed but with the added wind it was brutal.  I was very reflective today and strangley the wind made it easy to focus. 

There was a couple times where it wind became mire of a crosswind and I had to lean into the wind to just stay on the road.  This is kinda neat and weird at the same time, until a passing semi cuts off the crosswind and then your really off balance.

I decided to get up really early as the forecast was q high of 32 and I didn't want to be on the road when that occurred. So I was up near the crack of dawn and climbing the hill out of Kamloops. That is quite the climb even when you are refreshed, its nearly 10 km of straight hill. 

From there I took hwy 1 to Cache Creek which was very dry and very very challenging as you climb over a hill just to go back into the valley to climb out again.  Thus happened over and over and I started to get frustrated.  My legs just didn't have what the ride was demanding. As I got close to Cache Creek even though the road looked flat it was tough as it seemed to take FOREEVER to cover the remaining  distance.

I finally arrived in Cache about 12:30. And had lunch and a light nap in a small ant filled park until 4.  I then git directions and info and a Yummy icecream cone.  I am charging my headlamp as I am about to either bike another 30 km to Bridges or perhaps Outing which is 85 km tonight.  It's 195 more km to Hope and I would like to be in hope tomorrow. I know that is, very ambitious but its possible.  Well its 5:30 so its time to continue....

Location : Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0,

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