Quentin's Epic journey to the coast powered by 2 wheels and his legs. Goals: To achieve a personal goal while bringing awareness to prostate cancer and raise funds for prostate cancer research.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I am there
So this is me at Sunset beach near downtown Vancouver. Getting here from Hope was an adventure in itself. I woke and had a lazy morning taking my time to take down the tent and then went into town to have a leisurely breakfast. I did find a nice home cooked restaurant that was really perfect. I had a great breakfast and then I left Hope about 11 am. Leaving Hope I realized I had miscalculated how far today''s bike ride would be instead of 130 km it was 150km. A significant extra chunk to do, but I thought I could still do it, as I had done 140km the day before (with lots of hills). The first stretch was rolling hills, but really pretty with a gently winding road. When we got closer to Chilliwack the mountains parted and I was in the delta. After that there is one big hill that needs to be climbed. Its about 1.2 km long and 9% grade. I had taken a photo of the hill before I took it on. Once I was over and back in the delta, I stopped at a blueberry stand for 2 baskets of blueberries. Each was about 3lbs and big! all for $5 each! So I sat and munched on berries for a while, then thought should check my messages so went to pull out my phone and I could not find it AT ALL. I searched everywhere for it and it wasn't on my or in my backpack. So I reluctantly biked back to that hill (without the trailer) and climbed it again. I found the phone sitting on the side of the road near where the hill had started. So I technically did the hill 3 times, although without the trailer it was a lot nicer!
I plugged away for the rest of the day and reached Maple Ridge about 9 pm at about 130km mark. With only 20km left I decided to keep on trekking, I should be in a nice warm hostel by 10 and a refreshing shower was awaiting me. At Port Moody, I got lost twice as the signs aren't very clear it was a construction area and that complicated things. I had one lady point me back the way I had come, and when I had returned to the construction zone I met a cyclist PJ. PJ was a really nice guy who by now should be living in Calgary as that was his plan then. What made PJ special is that he only had 1 leg, the other was only down to his knee. He had it removed as a child do to a rare form of cancer. Now that was not a limitation for PJ, as he could easily out peddle me with just one leg compared to my 2! I was very impressed. He is training for the para-Olympic team and I bet he will make it.
He showed me a route and biked with me for a stretch until it started to get dark where he had to turn around. The route was hwy 1, but said bikes single file. later on I ha a van stop and give me a handful of change as his wife had seen my banner. That is where I saw a sign saying "freeway starts" but I didn't see any signs saying "no bikes". So I kept going, and biked through some very nasty construction. Now its really dark, and this nice cop pulls over, lights a flashing yelling at me to get off the freeway. I tried to say I didn't see a sign not to be here but I'd get off, he didn't get it, but I repeated I'd get off. His car was almost smooshed by another car while I was there. I peddled up a little and there was a car with a flat. The cop told her that she couldn't change the tire there as it was too dangerous, then told me to throw my bike down the embankment which I did and my trailer. Luckily Hwy 7 is a block from there so I was able to continue on on hwy 7. I finally made it downtown around midnight. I did stop for McD's and to charge my phone for 45 min. And entering downtown ancouver I met a cute 20 yr aussie who was travelling Betty was her name. She been o a greyhound in the states prior to being in Vancouver and had made a couple criminals who had gotten out on parole. In the states when your released you get a free bus ticket anywhere. Well she facebooked them which I don't understand. Anyway I turned her around as she was going the wrong way. How I knew that given I had just arrived in Vancouver was funny in its own right. Well I kept on going and biking downtown looks really sketchy at 1am, but I finally made it to the hostel which turned out to be a sweltering sauna.
Given how tired I was I should have been able to sleep through anything, but even after my cool refreshing shower, I had a hard time sleeping.
So I made it in 10 days of actual biking. It was 1,150 km total to this point and I did another 50km to visit a friend who helped me get to the airport and is going to help get my bike & trailer home. When I got home I weighed myself and had lost 11 lb. Not bad for 10 days of biking! From the day before my Ride to conquer Cancer last week of June to end of first week of August (6 weeks) I lost a total of 18 lb. or 3lb a week.
Location : 117-145 Glenhill Dr, Cochrane, AB T4C 1H2,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A new Hope
Leaving Sorrento a few days ago I wondered if I could make it to Vancouver in 4 days doing over 500 km. Then battling that 50s kmh head wind and only making it to Kamloops meant that the remaining days would be long ones. I have been up at 5am and on the road till 9pm both days with a nap in the middle of the day on both.
Talking with the owner at the campground last night I have been lucky as the temp is usually 38 C at this time of year and its not uncommon for it to hit 48 C there. I have to say that I never knew that and would have been dead by now if it had been.
So I have had another flat tire making it 4 now and have seen 2 snakes. Just for those keeping score.
So today I had a really tough day as the road was never just flat. It was either going up at 8% grade or down. Now going up was tough but I had another windy day which added to it. And downs can be challenging with a trailer, but throw in the wind and I had to go down pretty slowly. So it took me nearly 7 hours to do 75km and I arrived at Bostan Bar about 1. I went to a restaurant and nearly fell asleep while waiting for my food to arrive. So yes I had a great nap outside under a big cedar tree once I had finished lunch/breakie. Oh I have been trying to find a fruitstand but either they were closed last night and this evening or they didn't exist like the rest of the day. So tomorrow morning I am going to go get lots of fruit alas from Coopers and not a local stand but fruit I will enjoy. I so wanted to sink my teeth into a peach today. I biked along day dreaming of all the local fruits I could eat... Mmmmmmm.
Oh the posted picture is of Hells gate. Yes I did enter and yes I did make it through alive. I liked this shot as I am in one tunnel and you can see the next one.
After Boston Bar the road slowly calmed down and so did the wind. It was a whole and an utter joy when the road became flat and I could actually bike at more then a snails pace. If you include the Sorrento to Kamloops day which the road was most gentle rolling but had brutal winds. It would be 3 days since I last had a level gentle ride, I was very elated.
Today I did 140 km, and tomorrow I think will be about the same if I want to hit the coast. But I am sleeping in till 8, having a warm breakie perhaps and buy some fruit before going on hwy 7 to Vancouver.
Oh! The 2 guys I met in Salmon ARM, they had just arrived at Bostan Bar as I was leaving, I found that quite funny. I also ran out of water about 30 min from BB. So I was glad to get there, although I had to buy water as the town is on a boil advisory.
So I have my tent right next to the Fraser River which I will photo tomorrow. I also have 2 neighbours who are biking. One has come from the states and is more touring then biking and another who has flown in from Europe and has done a variation of my trip but he did the Kettle Creek trail. I will have to do some research on that one, but I already know my bike would die quickly on that trail.
Well time for sleep.
Location : 63405-64273 Tom Berry Rd, Hope, BC V0X 1L2,
Fraser Canyon
I realized I forgot to post a pic I took of the ride leaving Kamloops and some other thoughts. The couple who had offered me their lawn to crash on in Kamloops were not home so at 10 that night I had to make a decision. Stay at an unbuget hotel or bike 10 km up the hill going the wrong way and stay at the hostel. The next morning while I was climbing the hill a lady stopped on the freeway to chat. It turns out that the hostel in Kamloops is where the drunks in town hang out. So it looks like I made the right decision after all by staying at a hotel.
Which makes me think I should find some place to stay at in Vancouver. Where I had hoped to stay, he hasn't responded for at least 2 weeks.
Last night I biked 50 km to Spenses Bridges and stayed at a nice campground there. The owner allowed me to pick apricots from the trees. Fresh ripe sun warmed apricots are just devine!
Oh.... Anyone want to give me q massage? My back n legs are really sore n tired.
Location : Fraser Valley A, BC,
Monday, August 1, 2011
Wind ward
I left Sorrento very late in the day, it was after 3 before I finally departed. The weekend was fantastic and it was hard to leave this special place. It was hard saying goodbye to everyone but I am hopeful I may see a few again in Vancouver if I am lucky.
My legs were well rested which was very good because as soon as I left the wee hamlet the wind started to blast me and it rarely relented. It was only 80 or so km to Kamloops but I didn't arrive till after 9. There some smaller hills that need to be climbed but with the added wind it was brutal. I was very reflective today and strangley the wind made it easy to focus.
There was a couple times where it wind became mire of a crosswind and I had to lean into the wind to just stay on the road. This is kinda neat and weird at the same time, until a passing semi cuts off the crosswind and then your really off balance.
I decided to get up really early as the forecast was q high of 32 and I didn't want to be on the road when that occurred. So I was up near the crack of dawn and climbing the hill out of Kamloops. That is quite the climb even when you are refreshed, its nearly 10 km of straight hill.
From there I took hwy 1 to Cache Creek which was very dry and very very challenging as you climb over a hill just to go back into the valley to climb out again. Thus happened over and over and I started to get frustrated. My legs just didn't have what the ride was demanding. As I got close to Cache Creek even though the road looked flat it was tough as it seemed to take FOREEVER to cover the remaining distance.
I finally arrived in Cache about 12:30. And had lunch and a light nap in a small ant filled park until 4. I then git directions and info and a Yummy icecream cone. I am charging my headlamp as I am about to either bike another 30 km to Bridges or perhaps Outing which is 85 km tonight. It's 195 more km to Hope and I would like to be in hope tomorrow. I know that is, very ambitious but its possible. Well its 5:30 so its time to continue....
Location : Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0,
Sunday, July 31, 2011
My summer planned itself this year. Shaw mandated if we were taking holidays that it had to be last week of July and the first week of August. Also in 1986 I was on summer staff at Sorrento Centre which had a very strong influence on our lives. I don't know if the other people realize how the suumer changed and shifted their lives. But this weekend was the 25 year reunion of the summer staff from 86. And the reunion fell right in the middle of those 2 weeks which is when I planned my bike trip for.
Not everyone could make it but most tried. And with the gap of 25 year some sadly have been lost either to death, lack of contact with others or just poor record keeping by us teens who were on staff as we all expected to remain close friends and to keep in contact for ever.
This weekend has been a lot of fun but shows what happens when relationships are not kept up. Sadly 25 years is way too long to wait before having a reunion. And after 25 years its really important to rekindle those friendships on a frequent basis. You cannot wait another 25 years.
This weekend was a highlight for me and many others as sadly for most of us it was the first time we have spent time together in way too long. For some they have been able to maintain varrying of contact and friendships. I have to be honest and say that I wish that I had been able to have that thread of continuity but I can not. I am glad that last year I had bumped into former 86 staffers when I had revisited Sorrento Centre after way to long of a hiatus.
For me it was interesting that I spent this weekend not with those that I hung around with on staff but more with a different circle of people on staff. It was wonderful trying desperately to catch up 25 years of time and reminiscing on time spent together. With many people it was if time had stopped and this weekend started again as if no time had passed.
I can not say what others may do or desire but I know that there are friendships that have I feel have been rekindled that would like to fan and grow. None of the staff live near me so it will be a huge effort to make these friendships sustain themselves and to be honest based on my 40+ years on this planet that might even be impossible as some how I easily loose friends. So that is my first and mist challenging take away I leave this weekend with.
The other easier commitment for me will be to this place that has had a great influence in my life, to help support its future and to let my children have the same blessings that I have had.
There are even more challenging concerns but they would require many blogs to even scratch the surface.
Tomorow which starts in 4 hours I may have more thoughts. But everyone is now sleeping, the fire has died down and more importantly its started to rain. So its time for me to sleep as the weekend is not over yet and there is still time that needs to be shared.
Location : 1009 Cambrai Rd, Sorrento, BC V0E 2W1,
Location : 1009 Cambrai Rd, Sorrento, BC V0E 2W1,
Friday, July 29, 2011
Society a lost cause?
There are days where you look at the events and wonder what has become of us as a people, where is the trust and the helping hand?
The bike ride today was great, I biked from Revelstoke to Sicamous where I enjoyed a fantastic icecream cone and chocolate milk. It was near mid day and quite hot out so I figured I'd hand around and wait for the heat of the day to disapate. While at Sicamous, I met 2 couples from the Vegreville area who knew my extended family which is very odd. And one couple from Kamloops who offered me their yard if I needed a place to stay on my way to Vancouver. Depending on when I leave Sorrento on Sunday and the weather, I may take them up on that. All these people were really nice, friendly and we had great conversations about a variety of topics. I also had a few people who gave me cash that is always appreciated. I am curious how much money I might raise by the time I get to Vancouver, I haven't even tried to hazzard a guess but that people have read my sign and some are donating is very encouraging.
I left Sicamous about 4, and when I saw that it was 150km to Vernon decided that perhaps I wouldn't hop over to Vernon for the night, as in a car thats just a hop skip an a jump, not so on a bike. I arrived in Salmon Arm at 6, and stopped at McD's from a McRib dinner. I thought by the time I got to Sorrento it would have been way to late for food. I did wonder as I ate the rib thing, what it really was and how processed it was to make. Before I eat another I will have to investgate as mechanically separated meat is a process that really disturbs me. Google it and watch the video on how its done. On a good note they can't feed "bone meal" to humans, but they do to dogs, and that is even worse. Oh, I read an article that the Cancer soceity has done 4,000 studies and found that sodium nitrate is a horrible cancer causing agent that is added to meats, I wonder if I can order meat without this "colourant". I guess the FDA in the states tried to ban it a few decades ago but the big meat companies in the states rallied and scared them into not banning it. I hope this time it gets banned, we don't need a colourant that has no value other then causing cancer.
Anyways in Salmon Arm as I was leaving McD's I chatted with a coupld guys who had just arrived from Kitchner, ON via bike. They had been also hosteling/camping along the way and they for the most part were eating junk food aka McD's for meals. I was curious how others travelled and how they survuived. I still think I can do better then I am, so I will have to work on that. Then as I was nearly out of Salmon Arm a truck stops me to give me money, his dad had just passed away from Prostate Cancer after having it for 12 years.
So I left SalmonArm at 7 pm, and I was nearly at Sorrento, only 12 km left to go when my rear tire went flat. Changing the tire was no problem as I have plenty of spares (3), but in releasing the rear tire, the hanger for the derailar fell off, it had cracked at some point and only by the grace of God had it stayed in place. I have no idea how as I struggled for a good 20 min and couldn't get the tension of the tire clamps to keep in on. Before Rogers Pass on the climb I had some gearing problems that I had easily adjusted when at the hotel, and I am wondering if that had actually been the bracket either breaking or shifting, and I am amazed that it has held on for at least 300km now. So it was nearly 9pm and I would have easily arrived in Sorrento arround 9 if it wasn't for the broken bracket. So here I am pushiong my bike and trailer along the side of the highway, I have a safety vest over my back pack and I thought I had a light flashing as well on my pack. That stretch of road has been under sconstruction for a year now and so here I am trudging along in the dusk with a bike, and wondering when someone would ask if I needed help. They saw me as they gave me wide bearth, but no one stopped. Not even the construction vehical who passed me a couple times doing something with the signs. It makes me wonder what people thought I was doing in the middle of no where on a dark highway pushing a bike through a construction zone. I know personally I would have had huge bells ringing and would have checked to make sure everything was okay. In fact I have stopped in the past and helped out cyclists with issues far simpler then mine.
So I have to say as a test, this was a failure, not one person stpped or slowed down or check to see if everything was okay. I did make it into Sorrento, but I have to say biking shoes are not meant for long hikes, and I have a few blisters and sores on my feet that will need some healing.
I got into Sorrento after 11, and pitched my tent as it decided to have a short gale wind storm. I had to throw my heavy bags into the tent to keep it from flying away as I was trying to assemble it. Not a fun thing to do in the dark when your dead exhausted.
It is now tomorrow, and first thing is to see if I can find a hanger in Salmon Arm. If I can then I need to find a ride there to get the part, and probably another bike ride back to Sorrento :-) I should also see if I can fix a bend I have in the axel on the back tire as that might be contributing to my problems. Either way I don't like it so should see what I can do there.
The bike ride today was great, I biked from Revelstoke to Sicamous where I enjoyed a fantastic icecream cone and chocolate milk. It was near mid day and quite hot out so I figured I'd hand around and wait for the heat of the day to disapate. While at Sicamous, I met 2 couples from the Vegreville area who knew my extended family which is very odd. And one couple from Kamloops who offered me their yard if I needed a place to stay on my way to Vancouver. Depending on when I leave Sorrento on Sunday and the weather, I may take them up on that. All these people were really nice, friendly and we had great conversations about a variety of topics. I also had a few people who gave me cash that is always appreciated. I am curious how much money I might raise by the time I get to Vancouver, I haven't even tried to hazzard a guess but that people have read my sign and some are donating is very encouraging.
I left Sicamous about 4, and when I saw that it was 150km to Vernon decided that perhaps I wouldn't hop over to Vernon for the night, as in a car thats just a hop skip an a jump, not so on a bike. I arrived in Salmon Arm at 6, and stopped at McD's from a McRib dinner. I thought by the time I got to Sorrento it would have been way to late for food. I did wonder as I ate the rib thing, what it really was and how processed it was to make. Before I eat another I will have to investgate as mechanically separated meat is a process that really disturbs me. Google it and watch the video on how its done. On a good note they can't feed "bone meal" to humans, but they do to dogs, and that is even worse. Oh, I read an article that the Cancer soceity has done 4,000 studies and found that sodium nitrate is a horrible cancer causing agent that is added to meats, I wonder if I can order meat without this "colourant". I guess the FDA in the states tried to ban it a few decades ago but the big meat companies in the states rallied and scared them into not banning it. I hope this time it gets banned, we don't need a colourant that has no value other then causing cancer.
Anyways in Salmon Arm as I was leaving McD's I chatted with a coupld guys who had just arrived from Kitchner, ON via bike. They had been also hosteling/camping along the way and they for the most part were eating junk food aka McD's for meals. I was curious how others travelled and how they survuived. I still think I can do better then I am, so I will have to work on that. Then as I was nearly out of Salmon Arm a truck stops me to give me money, his dad had just passed away from Prostate Cancer after having it for 12 years.
So I left SalmonArm at 7 pm, and I was nearly at Sorrento, only 12 km left to go when my rear tire went flat. Changing the tire was no problem as I have plenty of spares (3), but in releasing the rear tire, the hanger for the derailar fell off, it had cracked at some point and only by the grace of God had it stayed in place. I have no idea how as I struggled for a good 20 min and couldn't get the tension of the tire clamps to keep in on. Before Rogers Pass on the climb I had some gearing problems that I had easily adjusted when at the hotel, and I am wondering if that had actually been the bracket either breaking or shifting, and I am amazed that it has held on for at least 300km now. So it was nearly 9pm and I would have easily arrived in Sorrento arround 9 if it wasn't for the broken bracket. So here I am pushiong my bike and trailer along the side of the highway, I have a safety vest over my back pack and I thought I had a light flashing as well on my pack. That stretch of road has been under sconstruction for a year now and so here I am trudging along in the dusk with a bike, and wondering when someone would ask if I needed help. They saw me as they gave me wide bearth, but no one stopped. Not even the construction vehical who passed me a couple times doing something with the signs. It makes me wonder what people thought I was doing in the middle of no where on a dark highway pushing a bike through a construction zone. I know personally I would have had huge bells ringing and would have checked to make sure everything was okay. In fact I have stopped in the past and helped out cyclists with issues far simpler then mine.
So I have to say as a test, this was a failure, not one person stpped or slowed down or check to see if everything was okay. I did make it into Sorrento, but I have to say biking shoes are not meant for long hikes, and I have a few blisters and sores on my feet that will need some healing.
I got into Sorrento after 11, and pitched my tent as it decided to have a short gale wind storm. I had to throw my heavy bags into the tent to keep it from flying away as I was trying to assemble it. Not a fun thing to do in the dark when your dead exhausted.
It is now tomorrow, and first thing is to see if I can find a hanger in Salmon Arm. If I can then I need to find a ride there to get the part, and probably another bike ride back to Sorrento :-) I should also see if I can fix a bend I have in the axel on the back tire as that might be contributing to my problems. Either way I don't like it so should see what I can do there.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Reving up.
If you followed my blog last year you will notice a significant drop in the distance I am doing each day. Last 2 days have been 75 km days and last year most days where 110 km or better.
But I gave been more relaxed and not as exhausted plus I have been stopping and enjoying the trip a lit more.
Yesterday I left a very wet and rainy Rogers Pass which is in Glacier national park. Amazingly there are over 20 hikes in this little provincial park and I have had many people tell me how beautiful they are. I will have to come back for a longer visit.
From there I headed west and stopped at Canyon Hotsprings where I met a lot of really nice and interesting people. I also realized my tire was dead flat again so had to replace the tube. This time I checked the bead inside the tire more carefully and very uncarefully sliced my finger on a metal shard. I found the cause of both flat tires.
After leaving the hot springs I realized I left my lock behind but decided it wasn't worth the 25 extra km to go back to get it do I pressed on. On reaching Revelstoke I decided to stop for the night even though it was only 5 here.
I bought more tubes and a lock and found the local hostel, yes I think I am officially hooked. Oh as I pulled my bag off the trailer I found my lock! So its a good thing I didn't go back.
I had supper at the village idiot which was a really neat environment. And the food was interesting and delectible. While sitting in the patio I was astounded at the number of kids and people biking around town and the ambiance and temperment of everyone.
After enjoying my twisty bread and jamacian jerk chicken club I walked down the street to where there was a street concert going on. Strangely enough I was just amazed at the casual down to earth friendliness I saw. It has been a lifetime since I was in a place where kids ran up and down the street. I gave yet to see this in Calgary or even Cochrane the little town I live in.
I sadly fell in love with this little town last night and hope to come back again soon.
Next destination either Vernon or Salmon Arm via Sicamous and some Yummy in the tummy icecream.
Location : Wilson St, Revelstoke, BC,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
On top of the world
Well I made it to Rogers Pass last night. I have been struggling stomach cramps for past couple days and trying to figure out what is causing them. I have also with no success been trying to figure out if I am in better shape than last year.
From Golden to Rogers can be broken into 4 sections. 30 km rolling hills. 10 I'm climb then another 30 km rolling hills followed by another 10 km climb.
When I got to the last section i started to bike up. But it was brutal and I gave up to walk. I then blamed it on the string head winds and my legs. After pushing the bike for a couple km I tried to ride on a more gentle stretch and realized when I got to the tunnels that my front tire was very flat. I changed the tube and also pumped up the other 2 tires which were a little soft.
This helped a lot and I made great time through the tunnels. Although a nagging shifting problem became chronic. Once I was in the easiest gear it would not switch out. I could manually pull it over and that worked. But with only 2 km to go I thought I would deal with it at the hotel.
As I pulled up it was drizzling so I see if they have any rooms. I was role that they had 2 tour busses and were all booked up. Plan 2 was to camp st the bottom of the hill. So I had a burger j fries at the hotel and while rating the part I had initially talked to swayed she found a stray room in the staff area. At which point the rain started to come down. I immediately accepted.
I don't normally add salt to my fries, and I can asssure you I don't try and make them white. But this time I did and even licked the piles of salt off my plate. I think that I was extremely low on salt and wonder if my cramps will disappear now.
Well time to tune a bike and hear on to Vancouvern
Location : Columbia-Shuswap A, BC,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hump Day
I am soooo tired this morning. It's raining and overcast. The overcast will be nice. Hoping a coffee will kick me into gear. It was so hot at the hosttel last night. There are some nice hostels! And cheap! Never knew that before.
I stayed in Golden last night at the Dreamcatcher hostel. It's a beautiful place and cheap! The ride yesterday was not to bad as it was just rolling hills and bless my heart it was cloudy for a lot of the ride which given the heat and sunburned of the day before was a blessing indeed.
I have now eaten at 3 different restaurants in Golden proper, not on the highway and I have to say the food is outstanding, creative and reasonably priced. Today I am having breakie at the Big Bend Cafe.
Last night I really didn't sleep well as it was way to warm for me. So I spent a lit if the night tossing and turning. Woke up sooooo lethargic and drained. I was going to get up at the crack of dawn but I let that slide. I am feeling better now that I ate a little and had coffee. Sadly I have barely eaten any of my meal and I am feeling full. What a shame.
So after I leave here I need to decide if I need to take a day off or if I can take on Mr. Roger.
Location : Golden, BC,
Location : Golden, BC,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Day 2
The pic is of Castle Junction a very beautiful campground. I met a dutchman at the campground who was traveling accross the US and the Rockies of Canada.
The ride from day 1 with the head winds had really drained me. It made the ride today really hard. Add to it the sun and heat and I am surprised I made it to Radium. Sinclair Pass is just before Radium and it is 10th km of going up up up. Then you get a 13 km drop into Radium.
I talked with one fellow who told ne that there was a massive accident near Radium on Friday. A tanker collided with a motorhome and immediately blew up. So on Saturday they had partially opened the highway and then they had the rockslide by field that diverted all that traffic south through Radium. I am glad I missed all that as it would have been nasty.
When I had just got to the very top of the pass I key a cyclist who was staying at a hostel in Radium. It didn't take any convincing to sway me to stay there when camping rates are 24 and the hostel was 27. To me that is a no brainer.
I spent a lot of time deliberating if I should go backbto Golden and the hwy 1 or go on to Creating then back to Revelstoke. Radium-Golden-Revelstoke is 250 km. And via Creston would be 550 km. Now I need to be in Sorrento for a reunion on Fri eve. Do to go the ling route would mean doing 150km every day. Which could be very very difficult if not impossible. So alas I have to go the other way just to make sure I can make it.
Location : Redstreak Rd, Radium Hot Springs, BC V0A 1M0,
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Even tough I did this trip last year it wad really hard to actually take that first peddle and perhaps it was because of last year that I hesitated. I tought of being sore and tired every day and flashes of memories of being soaked for days at a time.
But I took that first pedddle and kept on going. Thinking back to last year I had a much easier time on that first set of hills leaving Cochrane compared to last year. I was feeling so good I thought .... Maybe I could really make dome distance today. And then I entered the wind zone. Last year I lucked out as it was only a gentle breeze. Alas today I have had to peddle into the 50km winds for 40 km. I hope after I leave Dead man's Flats the wind calms down.
About an hour ago I started to worry that I may have forgotten my tent poles at home. Do it was with a HUGE sigh of relief that I wound them safe n snug in my bag when I stopped here. Now I can stop stressing over them and focus on biking. Only 30 km left to Banff and then to see how I feel. Next campground is another 50 km after Banff.
The clerk told me that there is a rock slide near Field. That is going to force me to take the longer route. Unfortunately all the idiots on the road ware going to ne taking that route through Radium as well. And its usually such a quieter route.
Location : Canmore, AB,
Friday, July 22, 2011
2011 - 17 hours till departure
Woke up tired. And feeling melancholy. Driving Treb to south side of Calgary from Cochrane. I am going to miss Treble for the next 2 weeks.
Over the past year since I did this trip for the first time, I had hoped I would meet someone to join me on my crazy quest. Many people asked my why I was going solo and I would always ask if they would like to join me. The reaction was always the same and very amusing. You could see the wheels churning in there head then there yet would become big with horror as they realize the magnitude of a trip like this.
No soft beds at night. No gourmet meals. Lots of massive hills that need to be conquered. Long days in the saddle and each night needing to collapse off your bike but still needing to set up camp for the night.
But the cause is worth it just like it was last year and will be next. I met lots of interesting people last year and I hope my experiences this year are just as amazing.
So dog is now taken care of, and most details have been resolved. I still need to find a way home at the end of this journey, make a couple clips to hold the trailer on the bike (lost one and MEC doesn't have any), and pack. I am feeling apprehensive and a little stressed/nervous I hope I can do this, and that everything works out.
Location : 16711-17807 37 St SW, Calgary, AB T2Y 4Y2,
2011 Trip Preparation
So in 2 sleeps I am going to embark again on another trip to Vancouver. This time I am not as prepared as I was last year, I still have lots of logistics to arrange and physically I am don't know if I am as prepared either. This week I have only biked once which is unfortunate but I hope I get another ride in tomorrow evening.
One of my decisions I still have to make is which route to take this year. Last year it took 9 days of biking to make it to Vancouver by taking highway 1 from Cochrane to Kamloops and then the Coquihalla to Hope, where I then biked along hwy 7 to Vancouver.
I have been considering biking south from Banff through Radium Hot Springs, then taking either:
1. Back to Golden (1350 km)
2. Through Creston and take the 3A up to Revelstoke (1550 km)
3. Kill myself and go over the Salmo-Crest Pass and go through Nelson and take highway 3.(1550 km).
1 and 3 both have a major pass that need to be challenged, although #3 I think is a more challenging pass and has no reprieve at the top of the pass like Rogers has.
What are your thoughts?
Otherwise I am mostly ready. I still have to:
- Hang the banner on my trailer (and take a photo of me with my bike/trailer)
- Purchase a headlamp for biking in the evenings
- Pack my bag
- Take my doggy to a wonderful boarding house.
- Oh and figure out how I am going to get home from the airport when I return.
- I am sure I have forgotten half of what I need to do still.
I should mention that when I asked Stan at RunDigital to make me a banner saying "I'm biking for... Prostate Cancer" he immediately responded by saying they would make it for free. its a great banner.
I hope to post every day like I did last year as I biked along. I am sure that there is still minimal cell coverage through BC so it will be hit n miss when I can actually post.
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