With 6 weeks till my ride to Vancouver, I will know next weekend how close I am to being in condition to biking 1,200 km. Next weekend is the Ride to Conquer Cancer, and I have now met my donation requirement of $2,500. I took a look at the top fund raisers and was astonished to see that there were quite a few that had earned up to $60,000. I found raising $2,500 to be a challenge and would have no idea who to raise even $10,000 let alone 60!
I have been training most days, but have slipped from my goal for daily rides. I had planned on biking from Calaway Park to downtown every week day about mid May. It is now near end of June and I have ridden from Calaway to downtown, but it has been rather sporadic. I do need to bump up my riding a little and with school ending it will mean that my Monday / Wednesday evenings will have a little more leeway to them. Currently I need to be home to take my daughter to soccer M & W so that limits my rides somewhat. Most days I ride from COP, which makes for a nice ride. Here are the distances of the rides I do.
Daily rides to Downtown
- Shouldice – 15km
- COP – 30km
- Calaway Park – 50km
I have decided that I have to take the main route to Vancouver from Calgary through Golden, Kamloops then to Vancouver. I had been interested in taking a southern route, but it adds 3-4 days to the trip, would be much hillier and a lot hotter (40C). So I’m opting for a more northerly route. The only part that is still to be decided is if I should go through Case or Whistler as both routes seem about the same distance.
The other part of my plan that has changed is that initially I was going to have a road crew to take care of the daily logistics. Currently it looks like I will be packing my gear as well, so this will impact my rides making them longer if I want to maintain 100km a day. With 6 weeks left I now need to start planning what I need to bring along for this ride, as well as minimizing what I take as well. I’ll try and note what I’m packing or planning on packing in my next post.
I had expected that with the biking and running that over the winter I would have lost weight. There are 2 ways to make your ride easier, you can by very expensive bikes and gear that are very light, or you can lose weight. I had opted for the weight loss as a 10 lb loss in body mass would be a big increase in my ride. Alas I’ve gained a little over the winter which has me puzzled but also accepting that I won’t be as physically fit as I had hoped to be for my Vancouver trip.
Well it’s Saturday, and sunny out, and I hear the trails calling my name.
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