Friday, January 15, 2010

There was a dream

I think back to my childhood to the many trips we made into BC from Alberta and have very fond memories of seeing cyclists who were doing the trip via bike. I would say "I want to do that when I grow up".

I was always a kid on my bike, I would cycle everywhere in FortMcMurray as a kid. In Jr High I had on many occasions biked from BeaconHill to school in Thickwood, which I am sure was an oddity for most people as I never ever saw another bike whist I treked off to school or home. Now it could have been the hills at either and as they give cars a challenge.

We moved to Sherwoord Park when I was in gr 10 and I biked all over Sherwoord Park and on one occasion in the middle of summer, on a rather hot day I rode accross Edmonton and back.

Well I grew up
many years ago and still bike frequently, but have never ever even attempted to realize my dream.

Over my 20's I became robust 300lb guy and it was only near the end of my 20's that I brought that down to a respectable 230lb. Which at that time with a new baby daughter a road trip never fit into my life.

Last summer I started jogging, I was back up to 250 lb, and the jogging nearly daily was really make me feel good, to feel energized, and one day in August I was sharing how as a kid I used to dream about biking to Vancouver. The next day I told her I was going to do it next year.

So my goal is to bike from Calgary to Vancouver the first 2 weeks of August 2010.

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